About Bushcroft Kitchen Garden

Bushcroft Kitchen Garden is a cool temperate climate urban garden situated in Bathurst, in the central west of New South Wales, Australia, at an elevation of 650 meters (2,133 feet) above sea level.

Covering 280 square meters and facing north, the kitchen garden was meticulously designed using permaculture principles, with work commencing in the spring of 2017.

The soil, a combination of red clay and river pebbles, became compacted during building activities.

The kitchen garden serves several purposes:

  • Providing eggs, a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers for the household, with surplus shared.
  • Growing food for chickens, plants attracting beneficial insects, and those useful for making fertilizer.
  • Gardening without the use of harmful chemicals.
  • Green waste, paper, cardboard, kitchen scraps, and household waste are recycled through composting, mulching, weed tea, comfrey tea, and feeding chickens and worm farms.

Please note that sowing and harvest dates on this website are based on trials at the Bushcroft Kitchen Garden in Bathurst, NSW. Bathurst experiences hot summers and cold, frosty winters, similar to some areas of Tasmania, Victoria, and Canberra.

This website and the garden are works in progress.

Thank you for visiting the website.

Head Gardener