Potting Shed

Pest Management

Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris rapae)

The cabbage white butterfly is cream to yellowish, with black-tipped forewings & central spots; wingspan is 40 to 50mm Eggs,pale yellow, spindle-shaped singly, usually on outer leaves. Caterpillar, fully grown 30mm long, velvety green, with faint yellow stripes down the back & along each side. Pupae,18mm long, greyish brown, yellow or green and are usually attached to the undersides of older leaves. Life-cycle, about one month.

Host Vegetable: Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage; Brussels sprouts, bok choy, kale, swedes, radish, turnips.

Damage to Plant: Large irregular areas of the leaf edge are eaten. Dark green caterpillar, droppings contaminate leaves.


Cluster caterpillar (Spodoptera litura)

Caterpillars are from green to brownish purple, with a row of triangular spots on each side of the body.

Host Vegetable: Brassica veges. broccoli, kale.

Damage to Plant: Young larvae feed together and skeletonise leaves. Older larvae feed separately and chew holes in leaves.


  • Good garden hygiene*
  • Remove aging brassica plant or leaves
  • Net with a vege net
  • Dipel

Cabbage cluster caterpillar (Crocidolomia pavonana)

Juvenile caterpillars are grey and become green with a yellow dorsal stripe.

Host Vegetable: Brassica vegetables, particularly cabbage

Damage to Plant: Caterpillars feed in groups, they can destroy cabbage heads which become covered with webbing and frass (droppings).



* Good garden hygiene
Refer to the DPI primefact No 1005, On-farm hygiene and sanitation.


DPI primefact 97, Silverleaf whitefly in vegetables PDF

DPI PDF, Insects pests of crucifer vegetables