Compost Bays

Composting at the Bushcroft Kitchen Garden

Compost Bays

There are three compost bays built out of the same blocks as the raised gardens beds, hardwood is used in the front to hold the material in. The timber can easily be removed when it is time to shovel out the compost. The internal measurements of each bay is 920mm deep x 1000mm wide x 1100mm high. They can each hold one cubic metre.

The rotary composter is a Joraform 270 litre with dual chambers. Purchased in 2019, the composter is starting to rust, it would be more suitable in a covered area where it can be protected from the weather. It is efficient at breaking down the kitchen scraps and keeps rats and mice out. Getting out the finished compost is a little fiddly.


All kitchen scrapes that are not feed to the chickens or worms are composted in the Joraform composter, when it has broken down it is added to one of the compost bays.

All vegetation from the garden, newspaper, shredded office paper, cardboard, grass clippings, all material collected from cleaning out the chicken coop and run, old cotton clothing, horse manure, sheep manure, cow manure, old potting mix, old sugar cane mulch, small twigs, and soil is put in the compost bays.

Either a fork or a spiral compost aerator is used to turn the compost.

Bay 1
Finish adding to this bay

Bay 2
Recently emptied

Bay 3
Nearly finished

Compost Aerator