
Loganberry loganberry in winterloganberry


Deciduous loganberry is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. Fruits in the mid-summer with large sweet wine-red berries. Produces fruit on second year wood, floricanes. Frost tolerant when dormant and self-fertile. It is mulched in early spring with organic matter, eg wood chips, pine needles, or sugar cane.
Fresh, pies, jam, and can be frozen
Loganberry Jam recipe
Purchased From
Bunnings, 140mm 'Incredible Edibles' potted plant
Date Planted
November 2017
Harvest Time at the Bushcroft Kitchen Garden
November till December 30th
Harvest dates
First harvest in November 2018, fruit very sweet.
Had a good harvest in 2019, fruit size was a little smaller than last year, probably because of the drought.
Excellent harvest in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023
Fruit is produced on previous years canes. After fruiting has finished the old canes are cut down to ground level, then the new canes are tied to the wire.The tips are pruned off in winter to promote side shoots and if the canes are too long.
When a new cane grows, it is bent down and the tip buried in the ground or a pot. It will develop roots. When the plants is well rooted they are cut off approximately 30 cm above soil level.
At bloom time, beginning of spring with organic general fertiliser.
The label specified it was thornless, however rose gloves may be needed when pruning as there are lots of small thorns (spines).

Loganberry thorns

Loganberry thorns