Lots A' Lemons


Citrus limon CPN1

This is a dwarf form of Meyer lemon from Clyde Plant Nursery. Full sized fruit with sweetly scented blossoms from a very early age. It will grow approximately 1.5 metre high and 1 metre wide.
Before the first frost the lots A lemon is moved indoors.
Eat fresh
Purchased From
Bunnings, Bathurst
Date Planted
June 2018 in a pot
Most of the year
Harvest dates
June and July 2019 - 2 lemons. June 2020 - 6 lemons. May 2021- 13 lemons.
This information is from the label that came with the lemon tree.
It is important to build a strong multiple branched frame in order to support all the fruit. When new soft growth is produced, pinch the tip back or tip prune to 7-8cm length. This will allow excellent branching to occur which in time will support a large crop of fruit
In early spring and autumn with a organic fruit tree fertiliser. (Richgro Organics Fruit And Citrus Plant Food) and seasol.

Dwarf 'Meyer' Lemon


Citrus x meyeri 'Meyer'

Height up to 2 metres. Round fruit with thin, smooth skin. Grafted on the Flying Dragon dwarfing rootstock
In 2017 the Meyer Lemon was planted in the ground in the orchard, but was severely affected by frosts and temperatures as low as minus 7 degrees Celsius. It did not grow well and look extremely sick and no regular feeding or maintenance program was established.
It was decided to transfer to a pot and placed near the brick wall of the house which is facing north in full sun. The potting soil used is Osmocote citrus and fruit premium potting mix. It has been potted up a few times and is now in a 500mm x 390mm (52lt) pot. It was feed with Richgro Organics Fruit and Citrus Plant Food. It is mulched with pine bark. As the leaves were showing serious deficiencies it was treated with Manutec Iron chelate and Yates zinc & manganese chelate foliar spray.
A management plan is now being created and added to the Bushcroft kitchen garden fruit tree diary.
Eat fresh
Purchased From
Riverside Nursery, Bathurst
Date Planted
September 2017
Most of the year
Harvest dates
May 2021 - 31 lemons
In early spring and autumn with a organic fruit tree fertiliser. (Richgro Organics Fruit And Citrus Plant Food) and seasol.