

Fragaria x ananasse

  • At Bushcroft kitchen garden most of the strawberries are grown in clay soil with large amounts of compost, cow, sheep manure and rock minerals added.
  • Some are grown in pots
  • Late winter the strawberries are fed a small amount of chicken pellets and some homemade compost.
  • Mulched with sugar cane mulch and or pine needles
  • Strawberries like a pH of between and 6.5 to 7.0
  • When picking strawberries I do not touch the berry especially the strasberries. They are picked off by the stem. I have found that the strasberries are best picked when they are a little under ripe, They ripen very quickly.
  • Slugs and pill bugs can be a problem, so dead and dying leaves are removed when the strawberries are fruiting to deterred them.

Strawberry 'Chandler'

Strawberry Chandler
A large to medium firm strawberry. Chandlers are a good pollinator for the strassberries.
Eat fresh, jams, desserts
Purchased From
Diggers, started with three plants
Date Planted
9 November 2017
North facing
Harvest in Bathurst
November to December
Harvest dates
First harvest -
Second harvest -
Third harvest -
Propagate from runners

Strawberry 'Diggers deep red'

Strawberry Diggers deep red
A medium firm strawberry with white flowers
Eat fresh, jams, desserts
Purchased From
Diggers, one potted plant
Date Planted
9 November 2017
North facing
Harvest in Bathurst
November to December
Harvest dates
First harvest -
Propagate from runners

Strawberry 'Strasberry'


Strasberries are a round shaped very soft flesh strawberry with a white flower. They taste a bit like a cross between a strawberry and raspberry and do not keep. They need another red strawberry as a pollinator.
Eat fresh, jams, desserts. freeze immediately after picking
Purchased From
Diggers, started with three plants
Date Planted
9 November 2017
North facing
Harvest in Bathurst
November to December
Harvest dates
First harvest -
Second harvest -
Third harvest -
Propagate from runners. Strasberries send out about eight or more runners per plant so they can multiply very quickly and become a weed, it can be a constant job cutting them off.

Strawberry 'Sweetie'

Strawberry sweetie
A large to medium size firm strawberry with a pink flower
Eat fresh, jams, desserts
Purchased From
Bunnings, three plants
Date Planted
November 2017
North facing
Harvest in Bathurst
November to December
Harvest dates
First harvest -
Propagate by division