Peas Peas Peas


Pea, Early Crop Massey (Melbourne Market)
Pisum sativum

Description: Dwarf variety (height 60cm)

Sow: Late winter to early spring, direct in ground (or in modules), 5cm deep and 9cm apart in full sun

Harvest: Maturity 12-14 weeks

Care: Keep well watered

Companion plant: Lettuce

2021 Sowing and Harvest dates:
20/08//2021 Seeds sown in modules
03/09/2021 Planted seedlings in garden
20/11/2021 Started to harvest peas
16/12/2021 Peas finished, plants pull out and composted

Climbing Snow Pea, Mammoth Melting

Description: Climbing variety (height 1.8m)

Sow: Late winter, direct in ground (or modules), 5cm deep and 9cm apart in full sun

Harvest: Maturity 8-10 weeks

Care: Keep well watered

Companion plant: Lettuce

Notes: Avoid flowering during frost periods

2021 Sowing and Harvest dates:
20/08//2021 Seeds sown in modules. 03/09/2021 Planted seedlings in garden
