Garden Design Books

The Essential Garden Design Workbook

Title: The Essential Garden Design Workbook

Author: Rosemary Alexander & Rachel Myers

Published: Timber Press, 2020

ISBN: 978 1604 69661 5

Country of Publication: U.S.A.

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 391

An excellent, comprehensive book on how to design a garden with many easy to understand illustrations. This book has everything one needs to know about how to design a home garden.

Eco Gardening

Title: A Small garden Designer's Handbook

Author: Roy Strong

Published: Conran Octopus Ltd, 1992

ISBN: 978 1850 29282 1

Country of Publication: Great Britain

Format: Paperback

Pages: 144

A very basic book with some nice photos.

Grow your own

Title: Trellises , Planters & raised Beds


Published: Cool Springs Press, 2013

ISBN:  978 1591 86545 2

Country of Publication: U.S.A.

Format: Paperback

Pages: 175

Instructions to make 50 projects for the garden.